How medium sized company simplified debt and derivatives portfolio reporting: From spreadsheet to financial resilience and compliance in less than a day.

Treasury reporting tasks dragged down by static spreadsheets leading them to hire expensive external advisors to prepare recurring management reports.
Without access to daily market data it's hard to keep up with market changes, so they occasionaly asked banks to provide information on market movements.
But having tried many things, rate hikes between 2021 and 2023 resulted in more than EUR100.000 additional interest cost and also led to breaches of debt and interest service covenants.

Without cloud software:

static spreadsheet debt overview

Introducing Treasuryview:
During the free-trial existing spreadsheet data was wrapped into cloud based reporting in self-service.
External advisor budget was reduced to near zero.
Interest rate risk exposure and cost forecasting, which previously too many days, became fully automated.
No bank data needed, as CFO Team can monitor market moves and impact in Tresuryview.
Independent market data based insights allow CFOs to make confident interest rate hedging decisions.

After implementing Treasuryview :

Debt and interest rate risk management dashboard

What can you achieve in debt management after just one day ?

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