Zinsmanagement Vergleich:
Bank1 vs TreasuryView
Nutzen und Vorteile der Softwarelösung TreasuyViewTM im Vergleich zum Serviceangebot von Regionalbanken
2 Ways of Interest Rate Risk Management
Traditional approach: 2-step passive Interest Risk Management with the Bank1
1. Understanding your interest rate risk management options
You know that you need to have:
- Protection against rising interest rates on outstanding loans
- Fixing rates for renewals or future funding programs
- Flexibility to secure fixed rates for extended periods
- A better understanding of hedging scenarios tailored to your needs
(Linking IR management page)
2. Turn to your Local Bank1 for a tailored solution
Your bank is pleased to assist you in exploring interest rate risk management options for your loan exposure with them.
BUT: To discuss and tailor hedging strategies for your debt positions with other banks or to address your future funding plans, additional data, agreements, or forecasts may be required.
You should provide these to your Local Bank1 representative to enable a more in-depth analysis.
- Results:
- Bank 1 provides an analysis with an overview of loans directly agreed with you
- Interest rate risk management strategies for loans with other banks ignored
- The process can be time-consuming, often requiring you to provide additional information
- Physical meetings with your local bank representative might need to be arranged
- More comprehensive service options may come with higher costs.
- Significant preparatory work is often required, involving the exchange of PDFs and spreadsheets, which varies from bank to bank.
Modern self-determined approach: Active Interest Risk Management with TreasuryView and Bank 1 services
1. Understanding Your interest rate risk management options
You know that you need to have:
- Protection against rising interest rates on outstanding loans
- Pre-hedging for renewals or future funding programs
- Flexibility to secure fixed rates for extended periods
- A better understanding of hedging scenarios tailored to your needs
2. TreasuryView:
Consolidate all outstanding loans, renewals and planned funding options into a one cloud workspace
You will:
- Understand the overall debt portfolio exposure evolution
- quantify cash-flow and P&L impact under different market scenarios
- gameplan different funding and hedging options, and understand the non-hedged vs. hedged impact
- share part or overall portfolio information with or without your own funding or hedging strategy ideas with your trusted bank1 representative
3. Reach out to your local Bank1 representative for the strategy and solution discussion
Your bank is pleased to assist you in exploring interest rate risk management options for your loan exposure with the bank and with other banks.
To discuss and tailor hedging strategies for your debt positions with other banks, or to address your future funding plans, your data is already available and actionable both for you and for your Bank 1 representative.
Ahead of a physical advisory meeting Your Local Bank1 representative has already prepared additional hedging and funding options to your attention and/or sent into your Treasuryview account for initial review and analysis
- Results:
- Funding and Hedging scenarios made and tailored for your specific project as well as for the whole outstanding portfoio
- Risk visibility and clarity based on independent market data.
- Intuitive system you can work and ask Bank 1 representative to join online, Support team to get quick help
- Allow both you and your Bank1 representative to track risk exposure and provide hedging ideas before markets move
Why should I consider extra step in my interest rate management?
Always on, works 24/7
Save time, full online & affordable pricing.
All loans and hedges data available in one cloud platform.
Start now with self-service ease and make impactful decisions already today.
One platform for you and your bank representative or treasury advisors to track the risks and chances.
All the functionalities you need for foreseeing the financial risks.
How TreasuryView can support you finding hedging options agains unexpected interest rate developments:
With the help of interest rate derivatives
Planning security is essential for large-scale projects, starting with financing. Many such projects rely on variable loans, which are exposed to interest rate fluctuations that can disrupt your financial calculations.
- Interest rate swap: Hedging against rising interest rates
- Interest rate cap: Hedging against interest rate hikes.
- Interest rate floow: Securing minimum interest rate level.
Using interest rate swaps
By using an interest rate swap, you can transform a variable-rate loan into a fixed-rate one. This ensures a stable interest rate and shields you from future rate increases. Regardless of how high interest rates climb, your agreed fixed rate remains unchanged—providing stability as long as your project demands. Flexible and reliable, tailored to your needs.
More about Zins Swap
Using Participating Interest Rate Swap
With a participating interest rate swap, you gain the best of both worlds: partial protection against rising interest rates while benefiting from favorable market conditions when rates fall. This solution allows you to cap your risk while retaining some flexibility, aligning with your project’s financial needs. A balanced approach, tailored to support your long-term goals.
Using Zins Cap
With an interest rate cap, you secure protection against rising interest rates while preserving the ability to benefit when rates decrease. This solution sets a maximum interest rate for your loan, ensuring your costs stay manageable without giving up flexibility. Designed to align with your project’s financial strategy, an interest rate cap offers stability while leaving room to capitalize on favorable market conditions. A smart and adaptable choice for achieving your long-term goals.
With the help of optimizing debt portfolio interest and repayment cash-flows
- Flexible Darlehensverträge: Ermöglichen spätere Anpassungen an sich ändernde Zinsverhältnisse.
- Flexible Tilgungen: Ermöglichen zum Beispiel frühzeitige Tilgungen, wenn Überschüsse aufgrund positiver Geschäftsentwicklungen verfügbar sind.
Vorteile des aktiven Zinsmanagements im Überblick
Durch gezielte Maßnahmen kann die Zinsbelastung reduziert werden.
Unternehmen können schneller auf sich ändernde Marktbedingungen reagieren.
Ein professionelles Zinsmanagement vermag das Kreditrating des Unternehmens zu verbessern
Höhere Planungssicherheit
Stabilität der Finanzierungskosten erleichtern mittel- und langfristige Finanzplanungen bzw. vermögen deren Aussagefähigkeit zu verbessern.
Ihr nächster Schritt für Aktives Zinsmanagement
1. Sign up.
Enter your business e-mail to create your account.
2. Verify your e-mail.
Check your inbox for the verification code and confirm your email address
3. Access TreasuryView.
Once verified, enjoy full access to explore TreasuryView.
4. Explore and Learn.
Discover TreasuryView on your own, watch demos, or book a call with our team for guided support.
5. Invite Bank1 product specialist to Treasuryview workspace to discuss the options with sample or your own data.
As your homework is done, you have clear targets and plan for your interest risk management.
Anforderungen eines bankenunabhängigen softwarebasierten Zinsmanagements
Der Weg eines bankenunabhängigen Zinsmanagements sieht sich gewissen Anforderungen gegenüber, die hier nicht unerwähnt bleiben sollen:
Die Nutzung von Zinsmanagement-Software erfordert ein gewisses Maß an Fachwissen. Unternehmen müssen sicherstellen, dass die Software richtig bedient und die Ergebnisse fachkundig interpretiert werden.
Die Einführung neuer Softwarelösung ist mit mehr oder minder laufenden Kosten verbunden. Das Unternehmen sollte stets einen positive RoI realisieren
Starten Sie mit einem bankenunabhängigen Zinsmanagement.
Verlassen Sie sich auf stets präzise und aktuelle Daten.