Kompetenzen und Expertise zu Deinem Vorteil

Unsere Freunde und Partner unterstützen Finanz- und Treasury-Organisationen aller Branchen und Unternehmensrößen, schneller bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Treasury Mastermind: Deepen your Understanding of Financial Management

At TreasuryMastermind.com, we have created a dedicated online space tailored for corporate treasurers and individuals interested in the intricacies of cash management, global payments, foreign exchange (FX), corporate finance, and risk management. 

Our platform serves as an inclusive and dynamic forum, fostering open discussions, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing within the treasury and financial community.

Pecunia: World class treasury expertise

We at pecuniatf.nl, offer a complete service on all financial issues that a company faces.Thanks to our many years of expertise in the field of treasury & finance, we are experts and are convinced that we can offer added value.

Finally, a good treasury management will lead to a decrease of financial risk and can even lead to extra returns.

Hedge Go: The Next Generation of Risk Intelligence

We at Hedgego offer AI-based support for hedging risks arising from foreign currencies or price developments. If price risks in transactions/projects are treated individually and in isolation, it is sometimes not possible to find an economically sensible approach to risk hedging. 

FX decision data: Hedgego balances your cash flow at risk with your value at risk based on profound automated FX market analysis. 

Single Risk Proxy: identification of the risk in the underlying transaction by means of a risk index make it possible to calculate a proxy index that counteracts the risk (has a risk-compensating effect). 

Portfolio Proxy: The aggregation of several risks into a single risk unit allows the calculation of a proxy index that is able to economically counteract the overall risk as a valuation unit

Unsere Software TreasuryView profitiert von und vereint die Kernkompetenzen unserer Partner in unserem Serviceangebot. Das, was sich technologisch umsetzen läßt, haben wir integriert. Das, was darüber hinausgeht, bieten unsere Partner als Serviceleistung an.
In jedem Fall erwartet Dich mit TreasuryView einerseits sowie unseren Partnern andererseits eine hochprofessionelle, effiziente und leistungsfähige Aufstellung mit der Du allen Herausforderungen der Finanzierung wirksam entgegentreten kannst.
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